A non-profit association aiming to ensure the representation of the collective interests of the industrial and forestry activity of pulp, paper, cardboard and related activities.

Type of Work

Type of Client

The Client wanted to develop two infographics: one, aimed at communicating the concepts and processes of the circular economy in the Portuguese paper industry; the other aimed to display the forestry indicators namely forest area and national burnt area, among other performance indicators.

The biggest challenge for the first deliverable was to include all relevant information and the relationship between the data while ensuring a visually appealing and easy-to-read infographic. With the circularity of the process in mind, our team analysed and crunched down the information on the report to select the most significant pieces of data and the most relevant indicators to include.

The second infographic came with an extra challenge: to have a final format/support that could celebrate the International Day of Forests. Writers and designers came up with the format idea of an origami tree to be assembled by the audience, working as a piece of communication as well as providing a funny challenge and a decorative element.