We live to narrow the distance between science and communication, thus ultimately contributing to helping everyone understand and recognise the importance of scientific knowledge.

We aim to work in close proximity with our clients, our partners, your audience, and our main compass – science.

The respect for knowledge shared with us, the responsibility for the shared information, and the importance of the subjects we deal with every day, all shape the way we work. Rigour is present in all dimensions of our projects.

There’s no Science without creativity and there’s no communication without creativity. In a fast-paced world dominated by instant consumable content, creativity is crucial to create engaging and interactive content that guarantees your message reaches your audience.

Fortunately, there are no cats in the team, as curiosity is present at every turn. We’re always asking questions, always exploring, and always looking for new and exciting ways to share your work and your science with the world.


A dedicated, multidisciplinary team uncovering new ways to communicate science.
Unique backgrounds combined with critical thinking to overcome any challenge.

An experienced corporate manager focused on business development and who is always eager to promote teams’ productivity and excellence.

The biologist-turned-entrepreneur that is driven by the challenge to crunch down scientific concepts into contents that everyone can understand.

Passionate about developing visual contents for multidisciplinary projects, and with an extensive and remarkable experience in graphic design, communication design and branding.

Multidisciplinary biologist with large experience managing projects and in science writing and a unique talent for turning text into integrative and self-explanatory diagrams.

Curious by nature, powered by the belief that information brings us together and thrilled to use storytelling tools to communicate science to different audiences.

A scientific background combined with creativity and strong communication skills: a unique combo to navigate the exciting and challenging waters of science communication.

A biologist with large experience in multidisciplinary projects and in science writing. Inês is passionate about translating data into information that can easily be communicated.

Driven by a passion for science and storytelling alike. Every day is an opportunity to make scientific ideas accessible to all, weave engaging narratives and learn something new.

With a fervent passion for scientific writing and communication, she excels at transforming complex scientific concepts into engaging, accessible narratives. This unique combination results in outputs that not only inform but also inspire.

A young mind with an unbridled enthusiasm for science communication. This biologist takes on each project as she takes on every day of her life, with passion and determination.

A creative digital art designer that is always searching for new ways to improve User Experience through graphic and web design.

Determined to always find the most beautiful and balanced page layouts, combines an immense enthusiasm for editorial design with an outspoken passion for illustration.

Devoted to bringing life to products and contents using creative motion-graphics design and to develop tailored, original, easy to use and visually-appealing websites.

Always focusing on her passion for Motion Graphics and 3D Modelling, this avid arts & crafts enthusiast turns inspiration into real-life striking creations.

From branding to motion design, he has the ability to look at each project from a new perspective and his creative concepts always develop into amazing outputs.