The Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) is Research Unit of the University of Aveiro aiming to promote transdisciplinary and transformative research and knowledge exchange to address societal needs, building upon a One-Health Approach.
The goal was to develop an infographic and a policy brief to illustrate the main findings of a scientific publication on Marine Ornamental Fish Trade.
The paper addresses a very complex yet not totally nor very well-known global industry. The challenge in developing the infographic was to portrait such complexity but at the same time showing, with numbers, that the market still has its blind spots. In the European Union, one of the largest import markets, the record-keeping of which species are imported, in what numbers and from which exporting countries is still blurry.
Both the policy brief and the visual illustrate how trade activities take place and what could be done to monitor the imports of marine ornamental fish into the European Union, using tools already in place.
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