
Wetlands International aims to safeguard and restore tens of millions of hectares of wetlands, bringing multiple returns for nature and people.

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The Cient needed a video series to raise awareness on Ecological Mangrove Restoration.

Science Crunchers designers and motion graphics designers developed graphical studies starting from the Client’s colour palette and some graphical elements to create the rich, coherent and detailed contexts depicted in the videos.

Mangroves are spread across many locations in our planet, so diversity is key in portraying and communicating these habitats and the people that live near them. That was something our designers took in consideration when designing individuals but also the ecosystems and species.

The result were videos that go way beyond the visual impact and science communication: each animation tells a unique story and honours not only the ecosystems and their biodiversity, but also the communities working locally but diligently to ensure mangrove restoration.