The Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), is a public institution responsible at national territory level in the areas of the sea and atmosphere.
The main goal was to develop the branding, communication materials and the front-end/public interface for the SOMOSATLÂNTICO platform.
First and foremost a visual identity was needed to unify and guide the development of all materials to be developed. Science Crunchers designed a logo that combines the key element of the platform − the Atlantic Ocean −, and the network and sharing of information component, represented by people.
Once the visual ID was approved, designers, web designers and web developers worked in close cooperation to develop and implement a professional and institutional website, but also friendly and easy to navigate, with a look and feel that links to the sea and the interactive component of the platform.
The two videos developed add up to the website helping explain the platform’s mission and added value and how the client envisions the impact of the platform in uncovering the Atlantic mysteries and full potential.
GET IN TOUCH: crunchers@sciencecrunchers.com
Incubadora Labs Lisboa – Lab D1
Rua Adriano Correia de Oliveira 4A
1600-312 Lisboa